NAVMFG LLC is an innovative new company whose strengths lie in identification, distribution and promotion of a complete range of piping products to US Navy shipbuilders, ship repairers, government agencies, and offshore industries throughout the United States and Canada. The company’s customers are engaged in US and Canadian Naval vessels, and offshore drilling and exploration platforms.

Strategically Located to Support the Marine Marketplace

  • 30% or $17.7 billion of defense shipbuilding occurs on the US Gulf Coast 65% or $2.9 billion of commercial shipbuilding occurs on the US Gulf Coast.
  • NAVMFG is located on the Gulf Coast, where approximately 70% of the business in shipyards is Navy, Coast Guard and Military contracts, offshore construction and repair-related.
  • NAVMFG will be operating where nearly 50 % of total maritime contracts are executed and more than $30 billion dollars’ worth of shipbuilding is occurring.


Manufacturing Services- 20 years
Insights & Strategy - 18 years
Piping Products -20+ years
Distribution & Promotion - 17 years
Happy Clients
Successful Cases


  • Action: Deeds not words
  • Productivity:  Efficiently support our customers while maintaining the highest quality standards in everything we do through continuous improvement and innovation
  • Integrity: Do the right thing for the right reason using truth, fairness and respect
  • Professionalism: Treat both internal and external customers with dignity and respect
  • Customer Satisfaction: Honor customer needs and meet or exceed expectations
  • Employer of Choice:
    • Use teamwork, effective communications and tools to enhance performance and achieve our goals in a safe and productive work environment
    • Provide competitive compensation and benefits as well as recognition for performance and achievement of goals
    • Build strength through diversity of our employees and customers